Minutes of IQAC

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ID Title View
Minutes of 1st IQAC Meeting of Nazir Ajmal Memorial College of Education, held on 14/06/2018 View File
Minutes of 2nd IQAC Meeting of Nazir Ajmal Memorial College of Education, held on 21/03/2019 View File
Minutes of 3rd IQAC Meeting of Nazir Ajmal Memorial College of Education, held on 24/01/2020 conducted via Google Meet. View File
4th Internal Quality Assurance Cell Meeting, held on 2 JAN 2021 conducted via Google Meet. View File
5th Internal Quality Assurance Cell Meeting, held on 22 NOV 2022 at NAMCE Conference Room. View File
6th Internal Quality Assurance Cell Meeting, held on 27 JAN 2023. View File
7th Internal Quality Assurance Cell Meeting, held on 20 FEB 2024. View File

Action Taken Report of IQAC
ID Title View
Action Taken Report of 1st IQAC Meeting. View File
Action Taken Report of 2nd IQAC Meeting. View File
Action Taken Report of 3rd IQAC Meeting. View File
Action Taken Report of 4th IQAC Meeting. View File
Action Taken Report of 5th IQAC Meeting. View File
Action Taken Report of 6th IQAC Meeting. View File